Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I love trees. I think our world is so much the lesser for not having more trees and it makes me angry and sad to see trees being cut down unnecessarily. So you can imagine my dismay when we had to come to the decision to cut down one of the trees in our yard. We had discussed it at length and we really couldn't see any other option. It was VERY overgrown with the base of the trunk splitting into about 8 smaller tree trunks. All of the growth inside the tree was dead and huge fire danger. It was also planted far too close to the house. This is the best photo I could find of it (it's the large one on the left taken in the fall when the renters were still here).

So my amazing husband set to work to trim as much of the tree back as he could safely do on his own, which made it look like this:

He had a mate come to help with the last 3 'trees'. They secured a line to ensure the tree fell in the correct way (namely not in the direction of our newly renovated home!)

So while one 'pulled' the line, the other cut and............
Down went the first one......
Down went the second one......
And there goes the last one. Then the real work began with the chain saw cutting up the felled trees for firewood.
And during all the excitement the kids only watching for the first few minutes and then they disappeared around the back to their new favourite place. Ahhhh....I love our new house.


Catherine said...

Oh, the poor tree! It really is heart-wrenching when you have to chop them down. But that photo of the one on the diagonal is kind of funny. The backyard looks BEAUTIFUL and wild! I love that photo with sweet Sam off on an adventure. xxxx

Melly said...

Awesome photos!!! What a process!