Monday, September 14, 2009

Finding My Feet

"I'm finding my feet. I'm finding my toes.
Toes are good for balance you know.
I'm finding my feet. I'm finding my toes.
As on this journey, forward I go."

I find myself this week, finding my feet, so to speak. We are in the process of preparing to move. In the process of dealing with banks, Realtors, tenants, landlords and a whole mix of paperwork, deadlines, hope and disappointment. Sometimes even the most carefully laid plans come, well, unstuck. The direction seemed so straight and clear but we have found we are on a short detour. Life is all in how we handle it right? So I am trying to enjoy the new view.

This past week Harrison started grade one at Glenmerry Elementary.

How exciting! I wish I could say I took a picture of him off to his first day, or his first week even, but it didn't quite happen. I feel like all the emotion of the first day of school, I did when we were in Australia. I was really proud and happy to see how excited he was to return to full days. I did not see any fears or worries from him at all. So today on his first day of his second week and the first day he braved the corridors on his own, I took a picture. And what a handsome very grown up 5 year old I have.

He has a lovely teacher, Mrs Partridge. He is also in a split class with 11 grade one students and 9 grade two students. He is enjoying himself and loves his new friends, "I just don't seem able to remember their names mum!"

Sam being the very big 3 year old he is had his first day of nursery school today. He will attend Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 12 - 2:30pm. A nice little break from mummy and some welcome noise and activity to help fill the void Harry left when he started school. Sam painted and crafted and played the afternoon away. I am so glad he likes it there.

I took a well deserved break on Sunday and headed to the Garlic Festival in New Denver with my dear friend Krista ( I know I am talking about New Denver again!!!) As you can imagine there was heaps of garlic to see. I didn't realise how many different varieties there are. It was pretty amazing. There were lots of colourful market stalls and it was lovely to walk around and take in the different sights and smells. I picked up some garlic of course, some garlic sauce that was originally developed as a cold tonic but doubles as a cooking sauce!! I found a cute shirt and a beautiful woven basket. I have wanted one of these baskets for a long, long time. I thought it was about time to treat myself. What about the shirt you say? Well clothing is a necessity you know!

On Friday we decided to catch up with some friends at the local golf course where I work. We thought we would introduce the kids to golf by playing on the putting green and driving range. It was a lovely evening finished off with a lovely dinner. The kids and adults a like had a great time. I highly recommend it to you to try with the little ones. I think next time though I will try to find some kids size clubs!

Sam eager for this new adventure
Arwynn Darwin Sweetheart helping Sam get the balls out of the "oh hole"
Here comes another one Arwynn!
Harry lining one up and......
Cracks it! Wohoo!!!
Sam struggling with his over sized club!


Vera MacNicol said...

My very best wishes to Harry for a wonderful year at school. I am excited for you and know you will so much enjoy the adventure ahead. Miss Partridge is indeed a very lucky teacher to have you in her class. Happy thoughts also go to Sam as he starts Nursery School. Regards Vera MacNicol

Melly said...

Grown up Harry isn't as shocking as seeing that picture of Sam, walking into the nursery school with his backpack!! Awww!! Talk about emotions! What little men they are becoming :)

Michelle said...

Such fun in your photos!! And I love the it a "blessings basket?"