Friday, February 27, 2009

End of the week

The end of the week went well for us. I managed to catch up with old and new friends, Kev was able to go to an extra hockey training, and the boys enjoyed their school time. Mum is busy getting ready for her departure next week. So between her busyness and my lack of physical ability at the moment, the house is a mess!! We went from perfect organisation to perfect mess in a few days! Funny how that happens, isn't it!? I remind myself that the world won't stop turning because my house is in disarray. The children can still play around the piles and life continues on. So what! There is more to life than a clean house. Today however, it will come to an end. The family will help me clean. There will be excitement when the couch is moved and their precious toys are returned. Old toys will be played with again as they are re-organised. They always look like new toys when things are sorted out. I will see the couch emerge from under the pile of laundry and the ironing pile disappear. After all this activity we will be getting a reward visit from friends. Laughter, food and sharing the great outdoors, now that is what makes my world turn.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rest is best

Wednesdays are always lovely and today was no exception. Although it was only Cath and I for baby group, we had such a nice morning. The Lagoon at Redcliffe is a really wonderful public asset. A great place to take the kids for a swim in a safe environment. There is also a fantastic shaded playground. The boys played for 2 hours and Cath and I got to chat, share our knitting adventures and, all that was missing really, was a nice cuppa tea! (I apologise for not taking the camera this morning but after having some moles removed yesterday I was feeling a little sore and sorry for myself and couldn't manage to carry very much.)
Today I decided to try out my newly aquired skirt and I have to say, I rather like it. It is one of those pieces that works for so many things and is incredibly comfortable. And the best part of all, was that one Grandma's necklaces went with it perfectly!

Tonight, I feel the need to rest. I am not supposed to exercise for 2 weeks which will certainly put a dent in my daily yoga routine. However, as a very wise and beautiful pregnant lady pointed out to me today, I have the next 2 weeks to rest and reflect. I can then return to yoga with new enthusiasm when my body has healed. So for now, I will concentrate on finishing the nappy soaker pants that I am knitting for Cath's new arrival. I also have a few other projects on the go that I haven't had time to time like the restful present!!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Wow, how time passes!! I apologise it has been so long since writing. We have had a busy week and especially busy weekend, visiting friends and family, generally having a great time. You wouldn't believe that I forgot my camera the entire weekend though would you!!! Disgraceful I know!!!!
Sam and I had a great day today. Tuesday morning was swimming which, is always fun, especially the free play before the lesson. I never tire of looking at my little mans gorgeous bum! It really is cute. Before class this morning though, a funny thing happened with Sam. Well, maybe I should give you a little background first. For those of you that don't know the kids very well, Harrison is a master wooden building block builder. His creations are wonderful and Sam has never had much interest, until this morning that is. It is so exciting seeing him emerge from his brothers shadow. Not that his shadow isn't a great place to be, but Sam's independence and imagination certainly has more room to grow.

I also had an exciting afternoon. I found some hidden treasure in my mums closet. In the back of the cupboard in a tartan box, was my grandmothers jewelry. Now to some it may not seem that exciting but to me, it was an instant transportation into the past, full of fond memories and a true appreciation for times past. In the midst of my grandmothers stuff were two necklaces that were hand made and belonged to my great-grandmother. It is so amazing to still have this precious piece of the past and it doesn't look half bad either!!!
This morning we were walking past a thrift store we like to call Vinnie's and I couldn't help myself, I had to stop in. Mum is a great thrifter and kept bringing me clothes to try on!!! I walked out with 3 new pieces of clothing for under $15 - gotta love that! I got a cute little dress that will go brilliantly with my new found necklaces. Happy days......

Thursday, February 19, 2009


My brother and his family, gave us tickets to Seaworld for Christmas. He also made this lovely gesture to my other brother and his family. We all decided to go together and stay over night for maximum enjoyment!! The kids loved it! What a great way for them to learn whilst having fun.

We started the day with the dolphin show and I am still in awe at the grace, strength and beauty of this animal. We went on a few rides to give the kids a bit of an energy release, then off to Shark Bay. What a cool thing this was. You can view the massive pool from the top and then go down for an underwater view. It was a floor to ceiling 'fish tank', cool and so peaceful. I think the kids enjoyed it in there the most. They calmed down and were content to look at all the sharks, rays and fish. I wonder how I could get one of those at my house!

We also looked in on the Polar Bear who was sleeping most of the day. My niece pleaded with us to look in again just before we left to see if he had woken, "he's my friend" she said. And what do you know, he had woken up and was swimming and playing with his toys. Again, a remarkable animal and so graceful in the water. Astonishing and heart wrenching at the same time, to be able to view a wild animal so closely.

There was much more time spent in the pool, more rides, water ski shows and more, more, more. It is lovely to see the kids developing such strong bonds with their cousins. Hopefully the memories they create in moments like these, will stay with them over the years. Two days of full on excitement and wonder. It certainly was a lovely way to spend a couple of days. Great company, great family and a great time.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Did I tell anyone that I was invited to join a book club? It has been 2 months now and I still haven't managed to even buy the book, let alone read one!! However, I am very inspired and think this month is the month for reading the book club selection. It isn't that I haven't been reading. Quite the contrary. I have found a wonderful stash of mums books that I have been pouring over and haven't been ready to stop, until now that is. The women involved in the group are a lovely, diverse bunch and the conversation is full of belly laughing stories, serious world views and detailed discussions on books. I am really enjoying it. Imagine how cool it will be when I read the books!!

A nice sunrise from our deck this weekend....need I say more?

Kevin decided to work this weekend as on Tuesday we are off to the Gold Coast to spend the day at Seaworld. (The kids are so excited). So, due to the rainy weather, I took the kids to an indoor play centre on Saturday morning. They ran wild for a couple of hours, and I was smart enough to bring along a friend and was able to enjoy some adult conversation (wow 2 times in one weekend - I am pretty lucky!) Yesterday I took the kids to the markets for our fruit and veggies. It is such a beautiful spot, right on the foreshore, the markets are full of colours and interesting wears, and it feels good to support the local farmers.

This morning I was able to do my Sun Salutations on the front deck. It is such a beautiful spot and I thought I would share my early, hazy view with you all.

Namaste my friends and I hope you all had a wonderful weekend....would love to hear about it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A date with the Vacuum and Mop

Here it is Thursday again, my day all to myself. It is such a lovely feeling dropping off the boys to their schools knowing they are looking forward to enjoying their day. It certainly makes it easier to enjoy mine! I decided today to have a date with the vacuum and steam mop. I have successfully cleaned Mum's 2 storey house and I enjoyed it. (Did any of you fall off your chairs??) For those of you who don't know me all that well, I am not a cleaner. I wouldn't say that my house is filthy or unkept, however I do struggle to want to clean, and I do just what has to be done. Today I thought I would practice something I was reading in a great book "The Witch of Portbobello" by Paul Coelho...."Everything is worship if your mind is focused on the present moment." It also goes on to say about appreciating things like the dishes in the sink. Those dirty dishes mean, you had food enough to feed your family, dishes with which to serve that food, food you were able to prepare with love, for people you are blessed to love etc etc. I thought I would apply this thought to the cleaning of the whole house. I could look at it as some quality time for my mind. It doesn't take much thought to push a vacuum around, therefore freeing my mind for other things. I tried to focus on breathing deeply and appreciating the luxury of having a house to clean, especially with all that is happening in Victoria. Our lives really are blessed if we just take the time to appreciate them. Cleaning really has been a 'chore' for me, whereas today it took on a certain pleasure.

The afternoon had a different kind of pleasure. The kind I get from seeing my boys enjoying being outside, playing and the excitement of Daddy's arrival home to an impromptu game of cricket.

Building Ant 'houses'

Now this is how you hold it Sam..

Like this daddy?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


One of my focal points since arriving in Australia, has been to get fit. It all started with yoga and my utter, sheer enjoyment for it. I love, love, love my teacher Renee. She has a real knack for explaining and every time I go to class it is like she designed it especially for me! For those who live in the Sandgate area, Renee teachers her classes at Viroga Yoga Studio. Here is a link to their website. I have also started doing Sun Salutations in the mornings. Something I have always wanted to do but not being a morning person, have never gotten around to. The boys have been waking up at 6am since we arrived and after months of fighting it, I decided to give in. Mainly because (fancy this!) when you wake up at 6am, I am able to get so much done!!!!! Amazing I know, that I have only just caught on to this revelation, but better late than never....right?!
So I have decided that my all round fitness could use a bit of an overhaul. I started out small with walks and bike rides along the waterfront. I have now progressed to riding where ever I can and as soon as it cools down a bit, I will start riding with Harry to school (Sam will have to go in the bike seat - it is too far for his beautiful, chubby little legs). I also decided whilst Sam was at swimming lessons that I might try my hand at swimming laps *gasp* yes, that is right, swimming laps! I invited my sister-in-law (a big fitness expert) to join me to assist each other in the child minding factor. Today was our first day and I survived. I didn't sink like I imagined and I did 10 laps of a 50 metre pool. You have no idea what an accomplishment that was for me. I felt like doing a little jig....ok, you know I did actually do the jig, and then felt like throwing up!! (Now, does all this excerise count if I then came home and had a 'nana-nap' with Sam?!?!?!?!?) I didn't bother taking photos of my dismal swimming style - I will leave that up to your imagination!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Challenges ahead

This year is shaping up to be one full of challenges and heartache, and it is only the beginning of February! My heart goes out to all the people affected by the devasting fires in Victoria. It is hard to imagine that so many peoples lives have been destroyed. In the North of Australia, they are suffering from huge rain falls and flooding. Mother Nature is sure unleashing upon them. Sending out our hearthfelt sympathy to them all.

On both sides of our family, we have learnt of people being rushed to hospital in the past few days. And this is when I start to wonder, what is going on? The start to this year has really tested my strength and I was amazed at what I have uncovered about myself. I guess, when there are so many monumental things happening around the nation and at our own doorstep, it is crucial to look for the simple pleasures in life. Those small moments that bring us joy, and to hold on tight to them. Like an evening with friends, a morning at the markets, an afternoon with my son exploring the bay, special father and son time at the is all worth it. It all adds up. Bank it. Bank these beautiful moments in your memory to draw on in difficult times. May peace fill all your hearts.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A full day

Some days are full of activity and yesterday was no exception! The morning started out so nicely,with a trip to the beach for Baby Group. The children had fun playing in the sand and sun, climbing the twisted trees, and us mums, got some fleeting moments of conversation.

In the afternoon we went across the road to meet one of Mums neighbours. An amazing lady in her late 80's who still walks everyday, is on several committees, paints, plays piano, is learning guitar, makes clothes for charities, knits, crochets, oh and is learning 2 languages!!! Talk about a role model. She had us over for an old fashioned Tea party with scones and everything!! Then she took us into the front room and played us a few pieces on the piano. I was completely awe struck by her energy and enthusiasm for life. I only hope that I am able to still be doing all the fabulous things dear Olga is doing at 80.
Today was also a monumental day. Sam went to daycare for the first time. He did brilliantly and loved it. He is going to go just 1 day a week. He calls it "big kid school 'cause I'm a big kid". I must admit, I felt a little lost when I left Sam....what the heck was I going to do with myself???!!??? I should go home and clean. I should go home and finish sewing my latest project. I should iron. I should do the grocery shopping. I should, I should, I should.......take my mother out for the day, have brunch, shop and enjoy one an others company. And that is just what I did.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Inspirational Day

Yoga last night was fantastic!! I awoke this morning with such a renewed sense of energy. I managed to do my first morning sun salutation. Very exciting as I am sooooo not a morning person. I am loving what yoga is doing for me at the moment, especially the awareness of breath.
With all my bubbling energy we decided to go by foot to swimming lessons or in Sam's case, bike. After, we had a lovely lunch on the deck and more special time together. Sam did so well today. His swimming was remarkable and his stamina on the bike has really improved as well. I believe all this exercise and fresh air really helps him, to ground him and well, to gets his grumpies out!! He was a delight today and not one tantrum!

Harry had his lesson after school and Daddy was able to come watch. So we spent a little extra time in the outside pool showing him all their cool new moves. It really was a day of fun in the sun.